Uponor Oficinas Centrales
Avda. Leonardo da Vinci 15-17-19
Parque Empresarial La Carpetania 28906 Getafe (Madrid)

Effective ceiling cooling panel system for commercial buildings

Uponor Comfort Panel is a thermally active ceiling panelling system for use in suspended ceilings in both new and refurbished buildings. The system can be used for either heating or cooling purposes. As with a conventional panelled ceiling, the thermally active panels are set into a visible (existing) metal frame substructure and are connected together at the back. Areas of ceiling not fitted with thermally active panels are finished with visually identical passive panels (blind panels). Depending on the ratio of active to passive ceiling panels, it is possible to achieve a very good level of sound absorption according to DIN EN ISO 354 up to "highly absorbent“ class.
uponor comfort panel installation

Uponor Comfort panel in a nutshell

  • Cooling load of up to 92.5 W/m² at 10 K temperature distance possible 
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Compatible with existing metal frame constructions
  • Better sound absorption than solutions using sound-proof plaster
  • Homogeneous ceiling design