Meie kontor on kolinud uuele aadressile! Asume nüüd Hallivanamehe 4, 11317, Tallinn - meie KONTAKTID
Uponor Eestis
Hallivanamehe 4 (3 korrus), 11317, Tallinn
Maa-alused infrastruktuuri lahendused

Kanalisatsioon ja reoveekäitlus

For houses and properties which are not connected to the municipal sewer system

Uponor Infra's solutions for individual sewer systems are used for houses and properties which are not connected to the municipal sewer system. It primarily applies to small houses and holiday homes and buildings in rural areas.
The basic principle of an infiltration plant is that the waste water from the property is fed to a septic tank where the sludge settles and from where the water is then passed on for subsequent treatment. The waste water is filtered through the existing or constructed layer of earth and is thus treated naturally.

If local conditions mean that the infiltration principle cannot be used, a mini waste water treatment plant must be installed to replace the septic tank and subsequent treatment.