Uponor AB
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Nordanövägen 2, 737 61 Virsbo

Resultat för "style"
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60 resultat
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Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 D+ RH
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Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 D+ RH

Uponor Smatrix Wave Rumsgivare m. RH Style T-161
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Wave

Uponor Smatrix Wave Rumsgivare m. RH Style T-161

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans Style T-149 A-14X
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Base

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans Style T-149 A-14X

Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 black D+ RH
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Wave

Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 black D+ RH

Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Base

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans Style T-149 A-14X

produktkatalog √ Adapter för vägginstallation, lämplig vid kabelutgång om ej väggdosa finns
Kompatibel med Uponor Smatrix Base Termostat Style

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans Style T-149 A-14X
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Base

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans style T-149 A-14x black

produktkatalog √ Adapter för vägginstallation, lämplig vid kabelutgång om ej väggdosa finns
Kompatibel med Uponor Smatrix Base Termostat Style

Uponor Smatrix Base Väggdistans style T-149 A-14x black
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Wave

Uponor Smatrix Wave Rumsgivare m. RH Style T-161

produktkatalog √ Givare för rumstemperatur och relativ luftfuktighet. För infällning

- Används enbart om Manöverpanel I-167 eller kommunik

Uponor Smatrix Wave Rumsgivare m. RH Style T-161
Produktkatalog/.../Smatrix Wave

Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 D+ RH

produktkatalog √ Mäter, visar och justerar operativ rumstemperatur och relativ luftfuktighet. Kompatibel med Smatrix Wave och Smatrix Wave Pulse.

Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat style T-169 D+ RH
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Stylish rock home was renovated with practical viewpoint

Stylish rock home was renovated with practical viewpoint

Sipe Santapukki's appartment in the small multi story building that was built in 1930's was renovated thoroughly. Practicality, intimacy and energy efficient were the starting point for the renovation. Uponor's underfloor heating system and Drain gully system was chosen for the renovation.

Iisalmen Vesi renovated a trunk line by relining
Kommunal mark

Iisalmen Vesi renovated a trunk line by relining

To rebuild an office building located in the heart of Amsterdam into 150 appartments in a relatively short time is definitely a big challenge.

Leitradlofts, Cologne

Leitradlofts, Cologne

A hygienically optimal drinking water installation was integrated into the new office complex – thanks to Uni Pipe PLUS within a very short time.

Kommunal mark


The intensive care, emergency medicine and surgery centre of the Inselspital hospital in Bern, known as the INO, is efficiently heated and cooled using Uponor Contec Single.

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Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat Style T-169 och Smatrix Base Termostat Style T-149 Bus

Uponor Smatrix Wave Termostat Style T-169 och Smatrix Base Termostat Style T-149 Bus

Uponor Smatrix Style

Uponor Smatrix Style