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The Pavillion
Blackmoor Lane
Watford Hertfordshiree
WD18 8GA

Preparing for an underfloor heating installation

Before installing an Uponor Underfloor Heating System , why not take a few minutes to read through some useful tips


Is it complicated to install an underfloor heating system?

Although it is not complicated to install an underfloor heating system, there are a few design principles which need to be followed to ensure your system has a long service life. Essentially, the the heat source is often the same as a standard conventional radiator system but the materials and method of distribution differ.
Design Principles
  •  There is a central distribution point, the manifold, which is served by the primary heating source and which distributes warm water to the pipes of the UFH system
  •  UFH operates with a low water temperature flow and return and therefore requires its own water temperature controls and own pump
  •  UFH uses the whole floor area as the heating medium, replacing radiators or convectors
  Please note- It is recommended that an approved engineer carries out the installation of an Uponor underfloor heating system. 

What preparation tips do Uponor have for installing underfloor heating

Underfloor heating
  •  For first time installers, laying the pipe needs two people; one person holding the pipe coil and un-rolling it, with the second person, a couple of metres behind, securing the pipe in position. For ease of clipping pipe into insulation we would advise investing in a Kombi tacker gun.
  • Only one person is needed if using a pipe de-coiler. Place the de-coiler in another room and pull the pipe off as required. (PEX only)
  • Check which water temperature controls are to be used and where they are to be positioned to ensure that enough room is allowed for the manifold
  • Check the position of the manifold and fit the manifold before laying the pipe work.
uponor minitec installation
  • Ensure that the pipe does not become twisted when handling as it can become awkward to install. The pipe will twist slightly on bends but the print line is a good guide to assist in laying the pipe.
  • During cold conditions, installation and handling will be easier if the pipes are stored overnight in a heated room before installing
  • To avoid kinks always pull the pipe to shape rather than bend and try and force into position.
uponor smart tacker wet installation white pipe
  • If the pipe does become kinked, the kink can be removed using one of these two methods, depending on which system is being installed:
    1.If using MLC pipe, gently squeeze the kink/crease with soft pliers and reform the bend away from the kink.
    2.If using PEX pipe, gently heat the kink/crease with a warm air gun (NEVER a naked flame) until the pipe is hand warm, max 130°C
  • Always cut the pipe square and use a plastic pipe cutter ensuring that there are no burrs on the pipe ends. It is important to achieve a clean cut at right angles to the pipe.

Are Uponor Underfloor Heating Systems compatible with concrete floors?

The short answer is yes.  However, we do recommend that if insulation is already installed under the concrete slab, a minimum insulation thermal resistance of 1.25m2 K/W should be installed above the slab (equivalent to Uponor 50mm Rolltec insulation boards), to improve the UFH system response times.

Uponor offer a specific concrete and screed floor underfloor heating system, which relies on the conductivity of this surface to conduct the heat from the pipe surface to the underside of the floor finish.