Uponor Épületgépészeti Kft. - Műszaki ügyfélszolgálat
1043 Budapest, Lórántffy Zsuzsanna utca 15/b.

1. FC Brno, Football stadium, Brno, Czech Republic

Heating of Football Stadium

Projekt adatok

Brno, Czech Republic
Felület fűtés/hűtés
Kész: 2008

Uponor feladat


How to extend the playing season?

Heating grass playing surfaces Uponor keeps playing surface throughout the year in optimum conditions, ie. free of ice and snow. Excellent and stable conditions are dream of every professional athlete.

The heating pipe loops are implemented Meltaway Uponor PE-X 25 x 2.3 mm. Total installed about 38 km of pipelines. Uponor pipe manifolds are made ​​from HDPE (as needed supplied in 50 x 4.6 mm - 200 x 11.4 mm). Pipe connection to manifolds is realized by special plastic fasteners Rosex. Parts of manifolds are connected pipe butt welding. All system components are plumbing Meltaway of plastic materials, ie. Unlike competing ways of dealing with it is absolutely excluded the possibility of corrosion. Serves as a source of heat exchange station. The system is filled with antifreeze.

1. FC Brno, Football stadium


Projekt információk

Projekt információk

Czech Republic
Projekt típusa
Épület típusa
Neva, Meltaway

Hasonló projektek

Jégpálya a "Városligetben"

Jégpálya a "Városligetben"

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Boost to energy efficiency

Boost to energy efficiency

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Ashville Sports Centre, Harrogate

As part of a £3million project, Ashville Sports Centre will be redeveloped by September 2017.
Once completed, the sports centre will boast a significantly enlarged gymnasium, a studio, 9 changing facilities, a reception/café area and new staff offi ces. The swimming
pool will also be redecorated and receive much needed maintenance.
CEF headquarters, Durham

CEF headquarters, Durham

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Mooreland Care Home

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