Uponor Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kolejowa 5/7, 01-217 Warszawa

Delivery of fish farming pipes under harsh conditions in the North Atlantic,

Delivery of fish farming pipes under harsh conditions in the North Atlantic

Challenging environment - high standards for the solution

Challenging weather, demanding underwater conditions and logistical challenges in remote areas of the North Atlantic create the harsh working conditions confronting the Danish salmon industry. That is also why a Faroese producer of breeding rings, KJ, sets high standards for its supplier´s solutions.

Easily handled pipes are essential when producing breeding rings at the site where they will be used. Whether the rings are to be used in the Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands, Iceland or the United Kingdom, the related large pipes need to be moved easily, due to difficult access roads and limited welding space. That is why it is so crucial that they are light.

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Infrastruktura obszarów wiejskich
Product systems
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Easy to transport
Challenges due to the weather, underwater conditions and logistics are a fact of life for the salmon industry in the North Atlantic. Logistics in remote areas of the North Atlantic represent just one of KJ’s biggest challenges, which is why the company views Uponor’s products – as well as their logistical handling from its factory in Middelfart, Denmark – as ideal for its operations. Due to the light weight of PE pressure pipes, KJ can handle and transport them directly to the production site, e.g. in Iceland and the Shetland Islands, through areas that are difficult to access. KJ uses around 40,000m of Uponor PE pressure pipes each year, because they are easy to float on the sea and are lightweight, even when used in large dimensions. In terms of price and durability, the competitive advantages of plastic pipes speak for themselves. Additionally, they meet the breeding industry’s requirements for certification and approvals in relation to the on-site weather conditions.


Safe and sustainable solutions
Due to environmental considerations – as well as demanding climate challenges at northern latitudes – the salmon breeding industry demands that a certification body, Noomas, approve breeding rings to ensure safer and more sustainable solutions in the food industry. Noomas Certification (Noomas Sertifisering) is an inspection and certification body focusing on fish farming and equipment. Uponor’s PE pressure pipes meet the stringent requirements in question, contributing to a thriving and growing salmon industry in the Faroe Islands and the surrounding markets.


Delivery of fish farming pipes under harsh conditions in the North Atlantic

Delivery of fish farming pipes under harsh conditions  in the North Atlantic
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