Представництво Uponor в Україні
просп. Миру, б.15, оф.405
м. Київ, Україна
Журнал референс об'єктів Uponor

Журнал референс об'єктів Uponor

Референс об'єкти з різних куточків Європи


Реалізовані об'єкти з Uponor

526 результатів пошуку
Багатоповерхові будівлі

Grand Tower

More than 400 heat interface units and over 300 km of underfloor heating and cooling pipes for Germany’s highest residential complex.

Багатоповерхові будівлі

Omniturm Frankfurt

Premium technology for premium apartments with nearly 150 heat interface units for an individual room climate.
Багатоповерхові будівлі

First high-rise residential building in Spain with Leed Gold certification

The new Delfín Tower has become a new landmark for the skyline of Benidorm which is located at the Costa Blanca in Spain. It represents a transformation of the city's building sector and represents new sustainable high rise buildings. 

Офісні будівлі

Austro Tower

Sustainable heating and cooling with Uponor TABS
Будівлі промислового призначення

The Port of Aalborg is based on sustainable sewer pipes

A special partnering agreement has enabled new and more sustainable stormwater pipes for the port expansion in Aalborg. 
Транспортні вузли

Sustainable solution for Denmark’s largest infrastructure project

Durable plastic tanks with a lifespan of 100 years will ensure a sustainable and economical solution to provide employees clean drinking water and good sanitary facilities 24
Багатоповерхові будівлі

Can Domenge

Can Domenge Residential Complex (Mallorca)

Транспортні вузли

Faroe Island tunnel with Uponor pipe system

In December 2020, the Faroe Islands opened the country’s longest undersea tunnel, which considerably reduces travel time between the most populated islands. The 11.2-kilometre tunnel represents a significant infrastructure investment, which also boasts the world’s first undersea roundabout. Beneath the road, a sophisticated system of pumps and kilometres of plastic pipework ensure that the road is kept free of water and safe for motorists.