Uponor Norge AS
Karenslyst Allè 8B, 0278 Oslo, Norge

Overvannsbehandling med Uponor Vortex gir enkelt vedlikehold, Espoo, Finland

En innovativ metode for å rense overvannet

Espoo er den første byen i Finland som benytter Vortex sedimenteringskum i overvannshåndteringen. Her er en Vortex sedimenteringskum for overvann installert på Ylämaansola byggeplass i Kauklahti. Vortex kan brukes til å effektivt skille flytende og synkende partikler fra overvannet.

Mange nye blokker er blitt bygget rundt byggeplassen, og prosjektleder Laura Karhumäki forteller at det er blitt flere overvannsproblemer de siste årene. Overvannet har oversvømmet tomtene flere ganger. Det nye anlegget er en fortsettelse av to fordrøyningsområdener for overvann som tidligere er blitt etablert under bakken i området.

De som har vært til stede på byggeplassen forteller at håndtering av overvann er blitt stadig viktigere, da urbane strukturer blir tettere, samtidig som naturlige infiltrasjonsområder for overvann blir borte. Problemene forverres av det faktum at ekstremvær og tilhørende overvannsproblemer forventes å øke på grunn av klimaendringene.


Espoo, Finland
Kommunalt område
Ferdigstilt: 2024

Uponor engasjement

Uponor Vortex kum

Reduserer forurensning fra faste stoffer i overvannet

Klient i prosjektet er Espoo by, som sammen med Ramboll Finland Oy har ønsket å utvikle overvannshåndteringen og dermed redusere vedlikeholdskostnadene. Systemene vil ikke fungere optimalt dersom det er blokkeringer.

Ifølge Laura Karhumäki er målet at så få partikler som mulig skal nå frem til fordrøyningstunnelene:
"En Vortex-kum er mye enklere å vedlikeholde enn en fordrøyningstunnel. Og jo flere partikler og søppel som kan fjernes, desto bedre, fordi dette vannet alltid vil renne ut et sted – for eksempel, i en bekk, elv eller annen vannforekomst," sier hun når hun forklarer anskaffelsen av Vortex-kummen.

"Vi ønsker å redusere behovet for vedlikehold av fordrøyningstunneler fordi oppsamlingsområdet over dem er stort. En rekke ulike faste stoffer kan komme derfra, som sand, blader og sneiper," sier Anni Orkoneva, avdelingsleder i Ramboll Finland Oy.


Enkel teknikk for å redusere mengden faste stoffer

Vortex-kummen er spesielt beregnet for steder der målet er å forhindre at faste stoffer kommer inn i overvannsnettet eller andre systemer for overvannsbehandling – for eksempel våtmarker eller fordrøyningssystemer under bakken.

De skadelige effektene av faste stoffer minimeres ved å skille dem fra overvannet. "I Vortex begynner overvannet å sirkulere inne i kummen på grunn av strømmens kraft. Deretter presser sentrifugalkraft de faste stoffene til veggene av kummen, og legger seg på bunnen. Inne i kummen er det også en strømningskontrollplate som i tillegg fungerer som en felle som holder på flytende avfall," sier Teemu Samninen, produktsjef i Uponor Infra Oy.

Salminen forteller at å vedlikeholde en Vortex er enkelt, sammenlignet med for eksempel et overvannsbasseng, ganske enkelt fordi ingen gravemaskiner og lastebiler trengs for å fjerne faste stoffer. Det holder å bestille en sugebil en gang i året.

"Dette virker som et ganske idiotsikkert system," sier Kari Auranen, Head Master i Espo.

Samarbeid om designet

Vi i Uponor Infra ser at overvannskvalitet nå studeres mye, og at det er interesse for alle typer løsninger for overvannsbehandling. Produktsjef Salminen forteller at etterspørselen er økende.

"Det finnes ingen grenseverdier for konsentrasjoner av skadelige stoffer i overvannet i Finland, men fremtidsrettede offentlige oppdragsgivere og bedrifter har begynt å utvikle løsninger for overvannsbehandling sammen med oss.

Ramboll Finland, for eksempel, kontaktet oss for omtrent ett år siden, og vi har sammen planlagt installasjonen av Vortex-kummen på Ylämaansola-byggeplassen. Vi tilbyr våre kunder hjelp med planlegging for å sikre at leveransene går så fleksibelt som mulig. Vortex og våre andre overvannsprodukter produseres i vår fabrikk."

Lav vekt og enkel å installere

Vortex-kummen til Espoo virker stor, da den innvendige diameteren er over 1,5 meter og dybden på grøften er litt over 3 meter. "Vi endte opp med denne størrelseskategorien basert på dimensjoneringsberegninger og modellering," sier Anni Orkoneva.

Likevel kan PE-kummen, takket være sin lave vekt, håndteres på en god måte på stedet, ifølge Markus Tiihonen, anleggsleder i Peab Asfalt. Peab Asfalt er ansvarlig for grunnarbeidet på stedet. Installasjonsarbeidet er standard og ikke annerledes enn ved installasjon av en vanlig kum.

"Vi har gjort gravearbeid i noen dager, og det er satt av én dag til å installere kummen. Til slutt skal vi gjøre litt tilbakefylling," sier han.

Når området er ferdigstilt vil kun lokket plassert i fotgjenger- og sykkelfeltet være synlig, som eneste del av Vortex-kummen. Det er derfor ikke nødvendig å reservere plass over bakken.

"For beboere vil området se svært likt ut som tidligere, men bedre, fordi veier og parkeringsplasser vil være dekket med ny asfalt. I tillegg vil det plantes mange nye busker og planter," sier Kari Auranen fornøyd.
Installasjon av Vortex i Espoo, Finland
Prosjektleder Laura Karhumäki fra City of Espoo



Kommunalt område


Investor: City of Espoo
Entreprenør: Peab Asfalt
Designer: Ramboll Finland Oy og Uponor

Lignende prosjekt

Uponor Vault renser overvannet

Uponor Vault renser overvannet

Nodra har installert en skreddersydd Uponor Vault som en del av et pågående klimaprosjekt i Norrköping. Med dimensjon på 3500 x 8000 mm, max. flow på 1600 l/s og optimert renseflow på 160 l/s, er dette den største Uponor Vault som er blitt installert i Sverige til nå.
TV-Tower, Estonia

TV-Tower, Estonia

The tallest building in Estonia and the major cultural attraction, the Tallinn TV-Tower, is equipped with Uponor underground ventilation technology.
 New Uponor IQ –Storm water system - Sustainability and Quality in Road Infrastructure

New Uponor IQ –Storm water system - Sustainability and Quality in Road Infrastructure

In December 2011 Central Finland´s ELY –centre (The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) started significant road constructing project in Jyväskylä. The aim is to create a new route between highways 18, 9 and 4, which helps reduce traffic jams and smoothes commutation. Uponor was chosen to be one of the suppliers due to our delivery capacity and overall cost efficiency.
New water pipeline

New water pipeline

Uponor Barrier PLUS pipes ensure a safe main water supply in Mikkeli in the old industrial area, where numerous new apartment buildings will be built in the next few years.
Flow measurement reveals leaks in the water supply network

Flow measurement reveals leaks in the water supply network

The Water Monitoring Services developed by Uponor Infra enable real-time monitoring of water supply networks – deviations in the network can then be detected and located quickly. Pori, a coastal city in southern Finland, started monitoring an area on the periphery of its water supply network where leaks had caused problems over the years.
Life is grand for graylings in the pure waters of Ounasjoki River

Life is grand for graylings in the pure waters of Ounasjoki River

Located in Finnish Lapland, on the Ounasjoki River, the village of Kaukonen now treats its wastewater with a new WehoPuts 400 treatment plant. As in many rural areas, long distances make village treatment plants a more sensible alternative than transporting wastewater tens of kilometres to the nearest town.
Don’t count on luck to protect you from flooding

Don’t count on luck to protect you from flooding

With a bit of good luck, a property can overcome rains without flooding, but fewer and fewer count on such luck. As its stormwater solution, a waste power plant to be built in southern Finland chose one-hundred-metre long Weholite tanks.
Water treatment plant

Water treatment plant

Water company Ylä-Savon Vesi Oy needed a solution to improve the water quality in water supply process. The solution was an aeration tank made of Weholite.

Clean drinking water for 17,000 scouts

Roihu 2016 – the 7th International Finnjamboree organised by Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry, was held at the Evo campsite in Hämeenlinna on 20–28 July 2016. A camp for 17,100 people was built in a forest area owned by Metsähallitus. Some 3,000 participants arrived from abroad – from about 40 different countries. Uponor delivered 7,600 metres of pipes to the area. The pipes were used to supply clean water and to lead grey water away from the area in a controlled manner.
Super-sized cooling

Super-sized cooling

About 1 km of Weholite pipes were installed in Philippines as cooling water intake and outfall pipelines for the Petron Bataan Refinery (PBR).  The Project Service team at Uponor Infra offered a turnkey solutions for the project.
Weholite limits overflows and pollution in London

Weholite limits overflows and pollution in London

Uponor’s Weholite technology was the key solution in a unique project in London, where the Lee Tunnel and Thames Tideway tunnel have the task of capturing an average of 39 million tonnes of sewage a year from the 35 most polluting combined sewer overflows (CSOs). An upgraded pipeline system was designed to reduce the number of overflows – and their environmental impact – from the sewers and treatment systems serving London. A particular aim is to limit pollution from the sewers and treatment systems connected to the Beckton and Crossness sewage treatment works.
Fighting against an ecological disaster in a world-record time

Fighting against an ecological disaster in a world-record time

Rapid action was critical when a sewage collector broke in Warsaw, Poland, causing a massive waste spill into the Vistula River. Uponor Infra’s crew worked 24 hours a day in order to stop the pollution of the river. A temporary pipeline was produced, delivered and connected in just eight days.

A smart retention system for an anti-flooding solution

A smart retention system for an anti-flooding solution

September 2018 saw the launch of the project for a stormwater drainage system in Rzeszów, almost 26 kilometres long, in the residential District of Budziwój, which partially coincides with the floodplain of the River Wisłok. One of the elements of this system is the retention canal. The project, scheduled for delivery by May 2020, will help to finally solve flooding problems which have been plaguing the residents of this region of Poland.


Sewage retention chanel

Sewage retention chanel

The construction of an innovative retention sewage canal in Rzeszów in southern Poland was recently completed using Weholite piping and manholes.
Sewage separation system

Sewage separation system

Construction of storm water collectors in Nowe Polkowice is one of the stages of a big investment concerning the drainage of the district.

Sea outlet of treated wastewater

Sea outlet of treated wastewater

A sea outlet of treated wastewater was initiated in Swarzewo. It is yet another of the many environmentally friendly projects that have recently been carried out in Poland where PE pipes were used.

Strong, Safe and Flexible

Skaraborgsvatten in the south of Sweden has replaced its old intake pipeline made of wood with a new one made of Polyethylene. The new system was not only easy and fast to install - it is also impact resistant and capable of withstanding high levels of mechanial stress.
Focus on sustainability

Focus on sustainability

Uponor Infra secure future sewer transport with Weholite. Uponor´s contribution to this complex and prestigious project is not just about supplying Weholite. It also includes project management and technical support such as design and calculations, customized products and field service with onsite installation - all coherently coordinated by Uponor Infra Project Services.
Weholite installed in Valdemarsvik Sweden

Weholite installed in Valdemarsvik Sweden

In 1960, the Fifalla River, which flows through Valdemarsvik into the Valdemars Bay, was culverted. At the end of the 19th century, Lundbergs Läderfabrik was built over the last part of the river at the outlet, but in 1960 a culvert came into place, up to the factory under Storgatan for which the Swedish Transport Administration is responsible.
ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

When the 250 millimeter pipes ProFuse replaces old 150 millimeter pipes in cast iron on a two-kilometer stretch in Frufällan, society will have a significant increase in capacity for the vital water supply. In addition, the new pipes provide fewer coatings and thus less service needs and better hygiene.
Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

In connection with a project in Sigtuna, the first pipes Ultra Rib 2 Blue are delivered. A new generation of pipes with 70% reduced carbon dioxide emissions. A significant part of the oil for the pipes comes from the waste industry and is vegetable.
Sustainable sewer pipeline with Ultra Rib 2 Blue

Sustainable sewer pipeline with Ultra Rib 2 Blue

The Ultra Rib 2 Blue pipes were first launched in Sweden – this year, the pipes have already been installed at several locations. In Finland, a pilot installation was carried out in early autumn in the Jalkaranta district of Lahti, a few kilometres from the city centre.
Unique design ensures controlled stormwater drainage

Unique design ensures controlled stormwater drainage

In Slagelse Municipality, there are requirements for the drainage of rainwater and wastewater to be separated, and therefore it was important that the wastewater solution on the street, Nordre Ringgade, was also updated in accordance with current legislation. The client has received an approved solution where the wastewater from the commercial property in no. 59 has been separated from the rainwater. The rainwater is now diverted directly from the 2,500 m2 car park.
Battery of retention tanks

Battery of retention tanks

In Mielec, modern storm water and snowmelt retention systems have been built, which will solve the problems with periodical flooding of streets and buildings in the city centre.
Safe water supply for an old shipyard and sawmill area

Safe water supply for an old shipyard and sawmill area

The Pateniemi waterfront area in Oulu, Northern Finland played a role in the history of Finnish industrialisation. In the mid-19th century, its shipyard built large merchant vessels, and later it was the location of one of the largest sawmills of its time. Now, the waterfront is entering a new era with the completion of a residential area for 2,500 inhabitants. Uponor Barrier PLUS pipes – which are both durable and non-permeable – ensure a safe supply of potable water in this area that was in industrial use for over 100 years.
Reservoir tank for unordinary village of Tuuri

Reservoir tank for unordinary village of Tuuri

In an ordinary village with less than 1,000 residents, a reservoir tank would normally be unnecessary, but Tuuri in Southern Ostrobothnia in Western Finland is not an ordinary village. The village tourist attraction draws visitors up to six million visitors annually. This needs special solution for potable water delivery.
Uponor filter chamber part of the stormwater study

Uponor filter chamber part of the stormwater study

In recent years, stormwater quality management has become an increasingly important part of urban stormwater strategies. A pilot project was launched in Heinola to clean stormwater with innovative filter chambers developed by Uponor. At the same time, valuable research data will be collected on stormwater quality from two different types of areas and on the treatment results achieved with filter chambers.
Espoo's Itäranta is being renovated sustainably

Espoo's Itäranta is being renovated sustainably

HSY (Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY) is testing a new kind of area renovation operating model in Itäranta, Espoo, where the aim is to get the area's water supply network in order once and for all. New steps are also being taken towards more sustainable construction: the selected Uponor Blue pipes utilising renewable raw materials will reduce the carbon footprint of pipeline installations by 70% compared to traditional plastic pipes.
Uponor-filterbrønde en del af regnvandsundersøgelsen

Uponor-filterbrønde en del af regnvandsundersøgelsen

I de senere år er kvalitetsstyring af regnvand blevet en stadig vigtigere del af byernes regnvandsstrategier. Et pilotprojekt blev lanceret i Heinola for at rense regnvand med innovative filterbrønde udviklet af Uponor. Samtidig vil der blive indsamlet værdifulde forskningsdata om regnvandskvaliteten fra to forskellige typer områder og om de rensningsresultater, der opnås med filterbrønde.