
Quick installation in the Konotopa channel, Warsaw, Poland

Weholite guaranteed a simple and quick installation in the Konotopa channel

The renovation of the Konotopa channel is one of the most interesting hydro projects recently completed in Warsaw, Poland. Local authorities in the Ursus district faced the problem of a polluted waterway with a collapsing embankment. The piping of the channel with Weholite technology prevented further devastation, restored damaged sections of the waterway, and helped to improve local sanitary conditions.

Projektin tiedot

Warsaw, Poland
Kuivatus, Räätälöidyt ratkaisut
Valmistuminen: 2016

Uponorin osallistuminen

Weholite pipes PEHD SN4 DN2000 mm – 165 m

The Konotopa channel (Żbikówka watercourse) is an open discharge channel which receives storm- and meltwater from the Ursus area. Once a small river, the watercourse begins west of the Ursus district and ends in Pruszków, where it flows into the Utrata river. For years, the channel had been polluted by industrial wastewater from local factories and workshops. While the authorities were successful in stemming the pollution, local residents were still bothered by odours from the channel. In the meantime, the area became increasingly urbanised with a new housing development and swaths of parking space being built in the vicinity of the channel. This posed an entirely new problem and, in 2013, stormwater from heavy rainfall caused parts of the channel’s embankment to collapse.

An inspection of the site carried out by Geoteko Sp. z o.o. revealed that the damage was due to the faulty geometry of the embankment (the slope was too steep), lack of proper reinforcement and the adverse effect on the channel of a new parking lot built on the left bank. The investor considered several options for restoring the embankment, such as the use of gabion mattresses placed on an anchored sheet pile wall fitted with a drainage system, but this solution proved too costly. Finally, a decision was made to use PE-HD technology to close the section of the channel between the city limits and Magnacka street. Uponor Infra’s structured-wall PE-HD Weholite was the pipe of choice for this project.

The benefits of Weholite pipes include their low weight in comparison to traditional steel, concrete and clay technologies, their overall resistance to corrosion, and their durability, joint tightness and simple and quick installation. Thanks to Weholite, the installation could be performed on a functioning channel, with no need for a by-pass or shutdown. The pipes were installed on a bedding and exisiting native soil, without the expensive and time-consuming strip footings necessary when heavy and rigid pipes are used.

The ideal solution – piping with Weholite

Following a tender, in September 2016 Drainage Construction Company Tolos was appointed as the general contractor for the project. Uponor Infra delivered a total of 165 metres of structured-wall PE-HD Weholite, DN/ID 2,000mm SN4 pipes to the installation site. Prep work included clearing the channel of concrete slab lining, dredging the ditch to make room for the new pipeline and laying the bedding. Uponor Infra pipe service staff then joined up the Weholite pipes to form two sections. The work was carried out on dry land on the right bank of the channel, by means of automatic extrusion welding using a WLI- 3000 machine. This guaranteed the 100% tightness and homogeneity of the pipeline. A 100- metre section of pipeline was then lowered into the ditch, followed by the remaining 50-metre section with a fitted bend two days later. Since the channel was operational during installation, the two connecting sections of the pipeline were raised above the water level, where they were welded together. The pipeline was then connected to a reinforced concrete inlet of the underground section of the channel. A socket- and- spigot DN/ID200mm joint was fitted onto the pipeline, connecting it to an existing stormwater channel. Finally, the ditch was backfilled. At the spot where the new pipeline meets the open section of the channel, an outlet was secured with a steel grate to prevent unauthorised entry. The installation was completed in December 2016.

The investor was impressed with PE-HD Weholite pipes and the technology involved in the automatic extrusion welding, which enabled quick installation despite the difficult hydrogeological conditions and changing weather. The contractor, Tolos, also commended Uponor Infra’s technical support for its flexibility and help in tackling the occassional problems that occurred during construction.

The curious case of Weholite technology

The renovation of the Konotopa channel was the first project in Warsaw to involve large diameter piping from Uponor Infra, but surely not the last. The installation was closely monitored by the district authorities in Ursus and drew the attention of both the municipal services and the private sector, which were keen to see Weholite technology in action.

Visitors to the site, including representatives of Water Utility of Warsaw and the city’s Infrastructure Department, as well as civil engineering companies and contractors, had the opportunity to witness first-hand just how simple and quick  PE-HD installation is. Durable, leak-proof, totally resistant to corrosion and highly resistant to chemicals and damage from environmental factors, as well as being easy to install in even the most demanding conditions, Weholite proved once again to be the ultimate piping solution. It is no surprise that it wins over even the strongest sceptics time and time again.

Weholite guaranteed a simple and quick installation in the Konotopa channel

Weholite guaranteed a simple and quick installation in the Konotopa channel

Projektin tiedot

Projektin tiedot


Yhteistyössä mukana

Yhteistyössä mukana
Urząd Dzielnicy Ursus m.st. Warszawy

Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlano-Melioracyjne TOLOS

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Puhdasta juomavettä 17 000 partiolaiselle

Suomen Partiolaiset, Finlands Scouter ry:n kansainvälinen Roihu 2016 VII Finnjamboree järjestettiin 20.–28.7.2016 Hämeenlinnassa Evon retkeilyalueella. Metsähallituksen omistamalle metsäalueelle rakentui leiri 17 100 osallistujalle, joista 3 000 saapui ulkomailta, noin 40 eri maasta. Uponor toimitti alueelle 7 600 metriä putkia, joilla varmistettiin puhtaan veden saanti ja harmaiden vesien johtaminen hallitusti pois alueelta.

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Suoraa hyötyä kaarista

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Vanha vesijohto sai uuden elämän sujuttamalla

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ja varman lopputuloksen kohteessa, johon omat haasteensa toivat tarkat liikennejärjestelyt, sillä
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Heinola hakee pilottihankkeessa tuloksia ja tietoa hulevesien laadun hallintaan

Hulevesien laadun hallinta on viime vuosina noussut yhä tärkeämmäksi osaksi kaupunkien hulevesistrategioita. Heinolassa käynnistettiin pilottihanke, jossa hulevesiä puhdistetaan Uponorin kehittämillä innovatiivisilla suodatinkaivoilla. Samalla kerätään arvokasta tutkimustietoa kahden erityyppisen alueen hulevesien laadusta sekä suodatinkaivoilla saavutettavista puhdistustuloksista.
Espoon Itärantaa saneerataan kestävästi

Espoon Itärantaa saneerataan kestävästi

HSY kokeilee Tapiolan Itärannassa Espoossa uudenlaista aluesaneerauksen toimintamallia, jossa tavoitteena on saada alueen vesihuoltoverkosto kerralla kuntoon. Uusia askeleita otetaan myös kohti kestävämpää rakentamista: urakkaan valitut, uusiutuvia raaka-aineita hyödyntävät Uponor Blue -putket vähentävät putkistoasennusten hiilijalanjälkeä 70 prosentilla perinteisiin muoviputkiin verrattuna. 
Heinola hakee pilottihankkeessa tuloksia ja tietoa hulevesien laadun hallintaan

Heinola hakee pilottihankkeessa tuloksia ja tietoa hulevesien laadun hallintaan

Hulevesien laadun hallinta on viime vuosina noussut yhä tärkeämmäksi osaksi kaupunkien hulevesistrategioita. Heinolassa käynnistettiin pilottihanke, jossa hulevesiä puhdistetaan Uponorin kehittämillä innovatiivisilla suodatinkaivoilla. Samalla kerätään arvokasta tutkimustietoa kahden erityyppisen alueen hulevesien laadusta sekä suodatinkaivoilla saavutettavista puhdistustuloksista.
Ilmastus riittää raakavedenkäsittelyn ainoaksi käsittelyksi

Ilmastus riittää raakavedenkäsittelyn ainoaksi käsittelyksi

Keskisuuren eteläsuomalaisen kaupungin vedenottamon uudistuksen yhteydessä asennettiin kohteeseen Uponorin ilmastussäiliö. Weholite-säiliöön rakennettu järjestelmä oli helppo asentaa ja kevyt siirtää kohteessa paikoilleen. Vedenottamolla valmiina olleeseen rakennukseen ilmastussäiliö saatiinkin toimitettua yhtenä kappaleena. Ilmastusjärjestelmän käyttöönotto oli yksinkertaista, eikä vaatinut mitään erikoistoimenpiteitä.

Kyseessä oleva vedenottamo on jatkuvassa käytössä ympäri vuoden. Koska pohjaveden laatu on paikassa hyvä, riittää tehokas tasoilmastus takaamaan hyvän lopputuloksen - vedenottamolla ei pääasiallisena käsittelynä tarvitakaan ilmastuksen lisäksi muita käsittelyitä

Kohteeseen on asennettu 1200 mm halkaisijaltaan olevalla ilmastussäiliö, jolla pystytään hyvin käsittelemään tarvittava vesimäärä. Paikkakunnan asukkaat voivatkin nauttia juomavedestään ilman ylimääräisiä kemikaaleja.
TV-Tower, Estonia

TV-Tower, Estonia

The tallest building in Estonia and the major cultural attraction, the Tallinn TV-Tower, is equipped with Uponor underground ventilation technology.
Secure tunnel trunk lines

Secure tunnel trunk lines

The safety requirements of the Kamppi-Erottaja-Kruununhaka tunnel built by Helsingin Energia are of the highest level. The contractor Destia selected the former KWH Thermopipe TSC Welding Sleeves for pipe joints. The end result is a pipeline where the insulation and surface material are uniform.
Weholite limits overflows and pollution in London

Weholite limits overflows and pollution in London

Uponor’s Weholite technology was the key solution in a unique project in London, where the Lee Tunnel and Thames Tideway tunnel have the task of capturing an average of 39 million tonnes of sewage a year from the 35 most polluting combined sewer overflows (CSOs). An upgraded pipeline system was designed to reduce the number of overflows – and their environmental impact – from the sewers and treatment systems serving London. A particular aim is to limit pollution from the sewers and treatment systems connected to the Beckton and Crossness sewage treatment works.
Fighting against an ecological disaster in a world-record time

Fighting against an ecological disaster in a world-record time

Rapid action was critical when a sewage collector broke in Warsaw, Poland, causing a massive waste spill into the Vistula River. Uponor Infra’s crew worked 24 hours a day in order to stop the pollution of the river. A temporary pipeline was produced, delivered and connected in just eight days.

Sewage retention chanel

Sewage retention chanel

The construction of an innovative retention sewage canal in Rzeszów in southern Poland was recently completed using Weholite piping and manholes.
Sea outlet of treated wastewater

Sea outlet of treated wastewater

A sea outlet of treated wastewater was initiated in Swarzewo. It is yet another of the many environmentally friendly projects that have recently been carried out in Poland where PE pipes were used.

Strong, Safe and Flexible

Skaraborgsvatten in the south of Sweden has replaced its old intake pipeline made of wood with a new one made of Polyethylene. The new system was not only easy and fast to install - it is also impact resistant and capable of withstanding high levels of mechanial stress.
Focus on sustainability

Focus on sustainability

Uponor Infra secure future sewer transport with Weholite. Uponor´s contribution to this complex and prestigious project is not just about supplying Weholite. It also includes project management and technical support such as design and calculations, customized products and field service with onsite installation - all coherently coordinated by Uponor Infra Project Services.
Weholite installed in Valdemarsvik Sweden

Weholite installed in Valdemarsvik Sweden

In 1960, the Fifalla River, which flows through Valdemarsvik into the Valdemars Bay, was culverted. At the end of the 19th century, Lundbergs Läderfabrik was built over the last part of the river at the outlet, but in 1960 a culvert came into place, up to the factory under Storgatan for which the Swedish Transport Administration is responsible.
Uponor Vault cleans the storm water

Uponor Vault cleans the storm water

As an industrial city and a port on an inlet of the Baltic Sea, Norrköping in southeastern Sweden strives to prevent pollutants from ending up in waterways. In an ongoing pilot project, pollutants carried by stormwater run-offs will be captured a massive, tailor-made Uponor Vault, a stormwater treatment chamber to ensure that the stormwater is purified before it reaches the Ljura Stream and finally the sea.
Flow measurement reveals leaks in the water supply network

Flow measurement reveals leaks in the water supply network

The Water Monitoring Services developed by Uponor Infra enable real-time monitoring of water supply networks – deviations in the network can then be detected and located quickly. Pori, a coastal city in southern Finland, started monitoring an area on the periphery of its water supply network where leaks had caused problems over the years.
Super-sized cooling

Super-sized cooling

About 1 km of Weholite pipes were installed in Philippines as cooling water intake and outfall pipelines for the Petron Bataan Refinery (PBR).  The Project Service team at Uponor Infra offered a turnkey solutions for the project.
Water supply in very demanding terrain in Norway

Water supply in very demanding terrain in Norway

The global mineral fertiliser, industrial chemicals and environmental products supplier Yara of Norway renewed the water supply to its factory in Glomfjord, close to the Arctic Circle in the north of Norway, with 1.8 kilometres of PE1,000mm pressure pipe. Extremely demanding terrain, limited infrastructure and the most stringent safety requirements demanded exceptional expertise and planning.
A smart retention system for an anti-flooding solution

A smart retention system for an anti-flooding solution

September 2018 saw the launch of the project for a stormwater drainage system in Rzeszów, almost 26 kilometres long, in the residential District of Budziwój, which partially coincides with the floodplain of the River Wisłok. One of the elements of this system is the retention canal. The project, scheduled for delivery by May 2020, will help to finally solve flooding problems which have been plaguing the residents of this region of Poland.


ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

When the 250 millimeter pipes ProFuse replaces old 150 millimeter pipes in cast iron on a two-kilometer stretch in Frufällan, society will have a significant increase in capacity for the vital water supply. In addition, the new pipes provide fewer coatings and thus less service needs and better hygiene.
Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

In connection with a project in Sigtuna, the first pipes Ultra Rib 2 Blue are delivered. A new generation of pipes with 70% reduced carbon dioxide emissions. A significant part of the oil for the pipes comes from the waste industry and is vegetable.
Unique design ensures controlled stormwater drainage

Unique design ensures controlled stormwater drainage

In Slagelse Municipality, there are requirements for the drainage of rainwater and wastewater to be separated, and therefore it was important that the wastewater solution on the street, Nordre Ringgade, was also updated in accordance with current legislation. The client has received an approved solution where the wastewater from the commercial property in no. 59 has been separated from the rainwater. The rainwater is now diverted directly from the 2,500 m2 car park.
Battery of retention tanks

Battery of retention tanks

In Mielec, modern storm water and snowmelt retention systems have been built, which will solve the problems with periodical flooding of streets and buildings in the city centre.